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Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental health matters and is especially important in the working environment.

As an employer, you hold a duty of care to all of your employees. By making mental health a priority in your organisation, you will benefit both your staff and your business.

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Why Mental Health at Work Matters

On average, a person spends five days a week at work, which equates to a third of the average lifespan. Taking this into account, it is evidently important for people to feel comfortable, safe, and experience good mental wellbeing whilst in the working environment.

Approximately 20% of Australians experience mental health issues in the workplace

It can be hard for someone to navigate improving their mental health and wellbeing, especially because mental wellbeing is completely unique to every individual.

With mental health issues on the rise in Australia, there has never been a more important time to put this at the forefront of your organisation.

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Mental Health at Work: Statistics and Facts

It should be no surprise that people who experience poor mental health whilst in the working environment have a negative effect on your organisation.

  • Evidence suggests that 1-in-5 Australians have experienced ill mental health in the last 12-month period.

  • 43% of working age Australians have experienced ill mental health in their life.

  • Australian workers are the 2nd highest stressed working population in the world.

  • 12 million working days are lost each year to depression and anxiety.

  • Mental health compensation claims have seen a 36.9% increase since 2018.

Source: Workplace Mental Health Institute

Unsurprisingly, if your people are experiencing poor mental wellbeing and don’t have sufficient access to the right kind of support your organisation can face significant challenges.

Employee Assistance Programmes - Wisdom Wellbeing

Supporting mental health at work

Keeping your workforce happy and healthy is substantially beneficial not only for the staff but also for your organisation.

For the organisation:

  • Decreases absence leave
  • Increases productivity
  • Happier and healthier workforce
  • Better staff retention
  • Workplace becomes more enjoyable for all

For your colleagues:

  • Improved confidence
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Better decision making
  • Happier and healthier overall
Wisdom Wellbeing - Australia's Largest EAP Provider

How to improve mental health in the workplace

Wisdom Wellbeing offers the Assistance Program which promotes and encourages your people to have better mental wellbeing.

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a valuable resource that aims to support and enhance the mental health of your people.

It is a complete resource, accessible 24/ 7, including bank holidays. You will have access to empathetic and compassionate support over the phone, in person or online with one of our trained counsellors.

Counsellors will support your people through life challenges by giving them different perspectives and encouraging healthy behaviours and activities.

By providing an Employee Assistance Program for your people you support them to live up to their full potential which subsequently allows your organisation to thrive.

Wisdom Wellbeing - EAP

Discover how an EAP can help your organisation

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help your staff deal with personal problems which may affect their work performance. To find out more please feel free to contact Wisdom Wellbeing by requesting a callback.

Better mental health support, better business success

Untreated mental health conditions cost Australian workplaces $10.9 billion per year – $4.7 billion in absenteeism, $6.1 billion in presenteeism and $146 million in compensation claims.

With this in mind, introducing mental health support for your employees is necessary for them, for you, and for your organisation.

If you wish to know more about what you will save based on your organisation, contact one of our mental health specialists today.

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